The LMC produces a monthly newsletter which is normally circulated just after each LMC meeting to all GPs in Rotherham via e-mail and regular mail to GP practices.
LMC Newsletters
Latest Newsletter
In this issue:
- GP Collective Action Update
- TVN Service
- Capacity and Access Improvement Plans
- RDaSH and CAMHS Neurodiversity Assessments (NDA) and Right to Choose
- Changes to Rotherham Neurodevelopmental Referral Process for school age Children under 5.
- LMC Levies
- Virtual Rally on Sessional GP Unemployment
- Varenicline Pathway – Rotherham Stop Smoking Service
- TRFT Issues Log
- Advice & Guidance
- Virtual BMA & PCSE Webinars for 2023-24 Type-2 Pensions Forms for Sessional GPs